• Zhongao

What is free-cutting steel?

1.General introduction of free-cutting steel

Free cutting steel, also refers as the free-machining steel, is the alloy steel by the addition of one or more free cutting elements such as sulfur, phosphorus, lead, calcium, selenium and tellurium to improve its cutting property. Free cutting steel is characterized by its excellent cutting performance. These elements in steel reduce the cutting resistance and the abrasion of machined parts, improve the machinability for its lubricating effect.


2.Features of Free-cutting Steel

Good machining performance: Stable chemical composition, low inclusion content, easy to lathe cutting, tool service life can be increased by 40%; can be deep drilling holes and milling grooves, etc.

Good electroplating performance: The steel has good electroplating performance, which may replace copper products sometimes and reduce product cost;

Good finish: Free cutting bright bars is an important type of free cutting steel which has good surface finish after turning;


3.Grades of Free-cutting Steel

l Lead Cutting Steel Grades:

EN ISO 683-4 11SMnPb30

EN ISO 683-4 11SMnPb37

EN ISO 683-4 36SMnPb14

EN ISO 683-3 C15Pb

EN ISO 683-1 C45Pb


l Lead-free Free-cutting Steel Grades:

EN ISO 683-4 11SMn30

EN ISO 683-4 11SMn37

EN ISO 683-4 38SMn28

EN ISO 683-4 44SMn28



l Stainless Steel Free Cutting Steel Grades:

AISI/SAE Grade 303





4.Applications of Free-cutting Steel

Automobile industry: Crankshaft, connecting rod, hub, strut steering bar, washer, rack, and transmission parts.

Mechanical equipment: Woodworking machinery, ceramic machinery, papermaking machinery, glass machinery, food machinery, construction machinery, plastic machinery, textile machinery, jacks, hydraulic machines, etc.

Electrical components: Motor shaft, fan shaft, washer, connecting rod, lead screw, etc.

Furniture and tools: Outdoor furniture, garden tools, screwdrivers, anti-theft locks, etc.


5.Different types of Bright Bars in the market and their benefits

The various types of Bright Bars variety of free cutting steels that are currently available in the market include,


This type of free cutting steel from Bright Bars comes in two options. One is the leaded free cutting steel, and the other is the non-leaded free cutting steel. These are mostly available as circular or hexagonal shaped bars in the market. Due to their make, they are fit for making nuts, bolts, and parts for some precision instruments.


The EN1AL are leaded free cutting steel bars. These are basically steel bars alloyed with lead for its finish and extensive mechanical properties. They are highly resistant to corrosion and other external agents. As they do not rust easily, they are used for making the parts for the automobile industry.


This type of free-cutting steel in Bright Bars has sulphur added to it with a medium amount of carbon. They are mostly round or hexagonal in shape. These bars are used for making shafts, gears, studs, pins and gears.

Bright Bars have found usage at a very wide scale, extending quality construction finish, anti-corrosive properties, and high durability.

Post time: Jun-11-2024